3 Tips For Making Flossing Fun For Kids

August 25, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:42 pm

Let’s face it, kids are picky. When it comes to their food or hygiene practices, they want it done their way or not at all. Helping kids appreciate flossing can be a difficult task for any parent, but today we are going to give you three tips on how you can help your kids enjoy flossing every day.


Understanding Dental Care and Nutrition

August 5, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:43 pm

Many people don’t know that dental care and nutrition go hand in hand, but it’s true! Everything you eat affects your smile’s strength, function, and health, and we are here to teach you about the best and worst foods for your teeth, gums, and underlying bone.


Seal the Deal With Dental Sealants

July 14, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:43 pm

Having dental sealants sounds painful right? Well, we will be the first to tell you that it’s not. When you come into our office, our dentists will ensure that your procedure is fast and pain-free. So why is having dental sealants a better choice you can make for your teeth? We’ll tell you why.


What You Need To Know To Have a Successful Oral Hygiene Routine

June 25, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:44 pm

Like many of you know, dentists recommend going into the dental office every six months for routine dental checkups. These appointments are extremely beneficial for your oral health, but dentists also need your help at home. When you wake up in the morning and before you go to bed, dentists strongly recommend doing the following things:


Considering Dental Implants? Here Is What You Need To Know

May 26, 2015

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:45 pm

Do you have missing teeth? Do you want a more secure replacement than dentures? Do you want a solution that doesn’t involved filing adjacent teeth like bridges do? If this is so, then you should consider dental implants. These secure replacements improve your smile and can last your whole life.


Tooth Trivia Quiz

September 19, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:46 pm

Can you tell whether these facts about human teeth are “tooth” or “false”? Take the quiz and see how well you know your dental trivia.


National Fresh Breath Day

August 6, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:48 pm

Today is National Fresh Breath Day! Are you enjoying a day of fresh breath, or are you struggling with bad, stinky breath? To help you freshen your breath, we’ve put together 10 of our favorite tips to help your breath smell minty fresh.


Losing Your First Tooth

June 27, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:49 pm

Do you remember when you lost your first tooth? Were you frightened, excited, or extremely anxious? For many children, the prospect of losing a tooth can be a traumatic experience that can cause a great deal of stress in their lives. Other children might be eager to join their classmates and friends who have also lost their teeth, procuring a status symbol meaning they are more grown up.


Spring Cleaning your Teeth

May 1, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:49 pm

If you’re busy spring cleaning, why not add a spring dental cleaning to your to-clean list? We know how important a healthy smile is, and we’re happy to help you out with your spring cleaning (of your teeth, that is)!Visit us for a cleaning so we can remove any plaque and tartar buildup that brushing and flossing has missed and do an examination to ensure there are no further issues that need attention.

The Academy of General Dentistry recommends a professional cleaning at least twice a year, so call us today to schedule an appointment and we’re happy to give you a bright clean smile, just in time for summer!

Oh Eggs!

April 25, 2014

Filed under: Uncategorized — malleydental @ 5:50 pm

While sitting at the table and coloring hard-boiled eggs with your children this Easter season, you can teach them all the benefits of eggs! Not only are they beneficial for overall health, but they benefit your teeth too!

Eggs are a great source of phosphorous, which is essential to healthy teeth and the formation of tooth enamel. Eggs are also beneficial to teeth because they contain high amounts of protein. Protein protects teeth from cavity-causing acids that are created as carbohydrates ferment.

So let the Easter egg hunt begin! Afterwards, crack them open for a delicious and healthy snack with the kids!

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